How to Write a Yoga Resume

You've just finished your yoga teacher training! CONGRATS!!! You did it!
So, now what? What is the next step you will need to take to launch into your new teaching career?
Well, you'll need a resume! It doesn't have to be super long or fancy. But it needs to be something you can send to studios and let them know who you are. The more professional you can make your resume look, the more likely you are to get an interview. I have included a copy of a resume template you can use here.
Here are my best tips on building a good resume:
1. Think of what a studio typically wants from a yoga teacher. This usually mean you are a team player, you have some experience with MBO, and you are good at building community. You will usually need to have some teaching experience as well. Experience teaching other types of fitness classes and groups can be helpful to include on your resume as a new teacher. Pull from all of the life experiences in life that you already have.
2. If you think that there might be gaps in your resume, consider volunteering as a karma yogi so you can learn how a studio operates. This will be a great chance to learn how MBO works and some of the duties a teacher might have. This is also a great chance to try out your community building skills, or your capacity to connect with the students. Karma yogis can often become yoga teachers as well.
3. Assist yoga classes to get classroom management experience. This will also help you get connected with a yoga studio. People often get jobs once they become a part of a community in this way.
4. Start your own community classes somewhere. This may include renting out a space, or teaching friends every week in your living room. Your teaching practice is like your yoga practice. The more you do it, the more you can do. Plus, you can then tell studio owners that you have teaching experience.
It is super daunting as a new yoga teacher. And you really do have to want it. I was not a naturally talented yoga teacher when I first started teaching. But I built a career out of yoga by being resilient and being a bit scrappy. I hope this helps you get some ideas on how to make your dream of teaching possible. Leave any questions in the comments below.